Don't miss out on Panchkarma therapy benefits!
Panchkarma therapy helps in cleansing your body, eliminating the toxins, relaxing your mind, and rejuvenating the body tissues. Panchkarma is reckoned as a holistic curative, preventive, and palliative therapy. So it can be used to good effect by anyone who is afflicted with some disease or chronic condition, or a healthy individual who cares for maintaining good health, or a beauty and wellness enthusiast.
The word “Panchkarma” connotes “Five Actions” - so the panchkarma practice comprises five aspects.
Vaman (Emesis)
Virechan (Purgation)
Basti (Medicated Enemas)
Nasya (Medicated Nasal Oils)
Raktamokshan (Toxic bloodletting)
Panchakarma is immensely favorable for the prevention, remedy, and management of a whole host of diseases and conditions like - Osteoarthritis, Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Neck pain, Backache, Slip disc, Cervica, Muscle pains, Sciatica, Psoriasis, Eczema, Paralysis, Migraine, Sinusitis, Depression, stress, sleeplessness, addiction, Thyroid, Diabetes, BP.
Our Specialties
Our patients have this to say!
Rajinder Kaur
I want to thank ShuddhiHIIMS Chandigarh for helping me with various Ayurvedic therapies like Panchkarma, Akshay Tarpan Kriya, and yoga session to get over joint pain and stomach infection. After seven days of sessions here at the ShuddhiHIIMS Chandigarh, most of the symptoms that promoted joint pain have been stopped. I wish to continue the exercises and panchkarma therapies at home too. I suggest to my audience that if they are looking for a perfect medical center for overcoming chronic conditions, connect to ShuddhiHIIMS hospital today!
Anita Sahay
Uttar Pradesh
Who says one cannot get better with Ayurveda? I felt the magic of Ayurveda healing in real-time at ShuddhiHIIMS hospital based in Delhi/NCR. I have been suffering from Shoulder pain, knee pain, and back pain for over six months. The team at ShuddhiHIIMS closely understood my problems and helped me with certain therapies like Panchkarma, Hot Water Immersion, Head Down Tilt, and Yoga sessions. After almost 15 days of treatment here at ShuddhiHIIMS, I feel fully satisfied with the treatment process that is cost-effective too. Individuals can connect them for their chronic diseases, and they have a better cure for you.
मुझे कई सालों से सिरदर्द और माइग्रेन की समस्या थी। इनसे निजात पाने के लिए मैंने काफी ट्रीटमेंट करवाया। लेकिन कोई लाभ नहीं मिला। फिर मुझे किसी ने HIIMS के बारे में बताया। मैंने इनकी पंचकर्म थेरेपी के बारे में यूट्यूब के माध्यम से जाना। मुझे अच्छा लगा कि यह उपचार आयुर्वेदिक देते हैं। क्योंकि एलोपैथी की गोलियां खाकर तो मैं थक चुका था। आयुर्वेद की शरण में जाना मेरे लिए फायदेमंद रहा। क्योंकि HIIMS में मुझे पंचकर्मा थेरेपीज़ दी गई। जिससे मेरा सिरदर्द, माइग्रेन तो ठीक हुआ ही। साथ में मेरा मन और शरीर भी पूरी तरह से रिलेक्स हो गया। मुझे पंचकर्मा से बहुत लाभ मिला। रोगों से छुटकारा पाने का यह सबसे बेहतर तरीका है।