सर्वेषाम् रोगाणाम् निदानम् कुपितः मलः॥

शुद्धो देहः शुद्धो मनःस्य | शतं वर्षाणि जीवन्ति च॥

स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणम् | आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनम्॥

BP Care like never before

Say Goodbye to Blood Pressure. Yes, it’s possible!

What if we tell you that your chronic blood pressure problem can be reversed in a short span of time, with the help of some unique natural therapies, following DIP Diet, and making necessary lifestyle changes. Yes, that’s possible!

Join us

How ShuddhiHIIMS makes Hypertension reversal possible?

Our holistic, integrated treatment process comprising Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Panchkarma, and Acupressure – has been making it possible for blood pressure patients to reverse the condition completely in some cases – and partially in some other cases. It depends upon how soon or late they approached us, as well as some other factors.

Patients from different parts of India and abroad who had lost hope, have successfully changed their lives, by accessing our innovative therapies and following the wellness practices laid out by the panel of experts @ HIIMS. You would feel happy and motivated by watching the videos of such patients’ reviews on how they did it!

Yes, there’s hope for chronic blood pressure patients!

At HIIMS, patients have had considerable success in seeing positive results in chronic high blood pressure, low blood pressure, frequently fluctuating blood pressure – as well as blood pressure related cardio, renal, neurological dysfunctions.

But, time is of the essence for BP patients.

Yes, time is a crucial factor in managing and addressing hypertension conditions! Ideally, the remedial process should begin before it gets too late. Besides, a patient needs to have motivation, perseverance, and trust in the Ayurveda approach.

It’s advisable that a patient gets elaborate consultation from our panel of experts to understand the whole therapeutic process and the treatment methodology – before he dives in for the holistic, integrated treatment @ HIIMS.

Combining Ayurveda’s Prowess With Our Integrated Approach For Kidney Treatment

Holistic Treatment

Our team of specialists has bunched up the benefits of Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Panchkarma, Acupressure, and DIP Diet - to forge an authentic and effective treatment mechanism that works on uprooting the root cause of a disease, and help even advanced stage patients rediscover their health.

Innovative Therapies

Our uncomplicated, innovative therapies help patients see great results without having to undergo any surgeries, transplants, and lifelong medicines. Therapies like Lower Leg Emulsion, Hot Water Tub Therapy, Head Tilt Down, Mud Therapy, Panchkarma, Acupressure, and DIP Diet have saved and changed many a life.

Herbal Concoctions

Our herbal concoctions and ayurvedic medicines are prescribed whenever required in a patient’s treatment phase. All our formulations are made using authentic, natural herbs. Untouched by chemicals, artificial colors, etc – the medicines conform to the laid out quality standards. 100% ayurvedic, safe, and no side effect.


Happy Patients

Smile Again

Our patients have this to say!

Do you need help?

Answers to your questions.

I am a BP patient for years. Can Ayurveda help me reverse it?

Can I continue your treatment along with the current allopathic treatment and medication?

What is the cost of treatment?

One or more renowned hospitals/doctors have confirmed that I need to be on BP medicine throughout my lifespan. Can I still have hope with your treatment?

Have you helped some of your patients come out of BP problem, with your treatment?

Does your treatment entail being admitted to your clinic/hospital?

Do you assure your treatment will have positive results?

Where’s your clinic/hospital?

Better health awaits you!

Choose the service you want to book an appointment for.

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Fee : Rs 500/-

Video Call

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Fee : Rs 500/-

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Fee : Rs 500/-

Live Chat

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Fee : Rs 500/-