BP Care
Watch this video About BP and How You Can Conquer It.
Say Goodbye to Blood Pressure. Yes, it’s possible!
What if we tell you that your chronic blood pressure problem can be reversed in a short span of time, with the help of some unique natural therapies, following DIP Diet, and making necessary lifestyle changes. Yes, that’s possible!
How ShuddhiHIIMS makes Hypertension reversal possible?
Our holistic, integrated treatment process comprising Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Panchkarma, and Acupressure – has been making it possible for blood pressure patients to reverse the condition completely in some cases – and partially in some other cases. It depends upon how soon or late they approached us, as well as some other factors.
Patients from different parts of India and abroad who had lost hope, have successfully changed their lives, by accessing our innovative therapies and following the wellness practices laid out by the panel of experts @ HIIMS. You would feel happy and motivated by watching the videos of such patients’ reviews on how they did it!
Yes, there’s hope for chronic blood pressure patients!
At HIIMS, patients have had considerable success in seeing positive results in chronic high blood pressure, low blood pressure, frequently fluctuating blood pressure – as well as blood pressure related cardio, renal, neurological dysfunctions.
But, time is of the essence for BP patients.
Yes, time is a crucial factor in managing and addressing hypertension conditions! Ideally, the remedial process should begin before it gets too late. Besides, a patient needs to have motivation, perseverance, and trust in the Ayurveda approach.
It’s advisable that a patient gets elaborate consultation from our panel of experts to understand the whole therapeutic process and the treatment methodology – before he dives in for the holistic, integrated treatment @ HIIMS.
ShuddhiHiiMS Unique Therapies
Combining Ayurveda’s Prowess With Our Integrated Approach For Kidney Treatment
Happy Patients
Our patients have this to say!
Durgesh Gupta
Uttar Pradesh
A heartful thanks to ShuddhiHIIMS hospital, especially Dr.Biswaroop Roy Chaudhary, whose suggestions worked wonders in overcoming high blood pressure that ultimately led to my kidney problems. I got the direction of Dr.Biswaroop after watching his videos on television and decided to give it a try. The doctor's suggestions for DIP Diet that he invented, along with therapies like Head Down Tilt, Hot Water Immersion, and Panchkarma, were beneficial. Now, after the continuous treatment for seven days from the hospital, I don't have to take any medicines and looking to continue the Panchkarma exercises at home too. If you have to ask me about the best center for overcoming chronic conditions and high blood pressure, I suggest ShuddhiHIIMS. They are lovely with their effective services.
Never received a treatment for high blood pressure and diabetes like what I got from ShuddhiHIIMS hospital. I got to know about this hospital from one of my friend who healed from kidney problems in recent from other center of ShuddhiHIIMS that are present in different locations. After receiving the medication for the symptoms of blood pressure like abdominal pain, I feel like not taking any tablets that I used to take before. The therapies here that are designed for blood pressure really helped me heal down. I feel energetic all the time now and would like to continue the therapies and exercises suggested by Ayurveda doctors. I would recommend then if you are looking for a quality care for blood pressure and diabetes cure.
Anil Kumar
Himachal Pradesh
Working on my blood pressure, which used to remain between 180-200, ShuddhiHIIMS Derabassi has helped me a lot overall! I was seeking medication from private hospitals, which has cost me too much with the least effect. After receiving the treatment from ShuddhiHIIMS Derabassi for seven days, my blood pressure has been normal. I wish to continue the therapies and exercises suggested here for treatment. The best part of the treatment here is that they helped me get it naturally with their therapies, like hot water immersion therapy and head down tilt therapy. I would recommend that most patients facing problems with high blood pressure connect with the nearest ShuddhiHIIMS hospital!
मुझे पिछले 13 वर्षों से हाई बी.पी.की समस्या है। मैंने काफी जगह से इलाज करवाया। लेकिन कोई लाभ तो हुआ नहीं उल्टा साथ में हार्ट का रोगी भी बन गया। मुझे लगने लगा था कि अब मैं कभी भी ठीक नहीं हो पाउँगा। एक दिन मेरे एक दोस्त ने मुझे HIIMS के बारे में बताया। लेकिन यह अस्पताल मेरे घर से काफी दूर पड़ता था। लेकिन उसने बताया कि यहाँ पर HIIMS@Home की सुविधा भी है। मैंने VOPD जरिए इनके डॉक्टर के साथ अपनी समस्या शेयर की। उनसे बात करने के बाद मैंने HIIMS AT HOME Package घर में मंगवा लिया। मैंने डॉक्टर के बताए अनुसार घर में ट्रीटमेंट लिया। मात्र 15 दिन में मेरी सेहत में सुधार आने लगा। डॉक्टर रोज मेरे से फालोअप लेते। अब मैं पूरी तरह से ठीक हो चुका हूँ। HIIMS ने मेरी वर्षों पुरानी समस्या घर बैठे ही ठीक कर दी। सभी को एक बार इसे जरूर आजमाना चाहिए। धन्यवाद