Kidney Care
Watch This Video About CKD. And How You Can Conquer It!
Say Goodbye to Dialysis & Kidney Disorders. Yes, it’s possible!
What if we tell you that this threatening situation can still change and you can still succeed in reversing your kidney failure, or defeating any other acute kidney disorder that has been troubling you all this while? Yes, that’s possible!
How HIIMS makes kidney failure & kidney disorder reversal possible?
Our holistic, integrated treatment process comprising Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Panchkarma, and Acupressure – has been making it possible for patients on dialysis as well as patients with other serious and advanced stage kidney disorders to reverse the condition completely in some cases – and partially in some other cases. It depends upon how soon or late they approached us, as well as some other factors.
Patients from different parts of India and abroad who had lost hope, have successfully changed their lives, by accessing our innovative therapies and following the wellness practices laid out by the panel of experts @ HIIMS. You would feel happy and motivated by watching the videos of such patients’ reviews on how they did it!
Our Quality Services in Kidney Care Speaks All!
Don’t lose hope even if you have serious kidney disorders!
At ShuddhiHIIMS, patients have seen considerable success in seeing positive results in various kidney disorders like - CKD, AKD, Kidney Failure, Nephropathic Cystinosis, Beeturia, Chyluria, Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Urinary Tract Infections, Congestive Renal Failure, Diabetes Insipidus, Diabetic nephropathy, Diuresis, Hematuria (Blood in Urine), Hemorrhagic Cystitis, Kidney cancer, Kidney disease, Nephritis, Nephrocalcinosis, Nephrogenic diabetes, and Nephroptosis.
But, time is of the essence for your kidneys.
Yes, time is a crucial factor in managing and addressing kidney disorders! Ideally, the remedial process should begin before it gets too late. Besides, a patient needs to have motivation, perseverance, and trust in the Ayurveda approach.
It’s advisable that a patient gets elaborate consultation from our panel of experts to understand the whole therapeutic process and the treatment methodology – before he dives in for the holistic, integrated treatment @ HIIMS.
ShuddhiHiiMS Unique Therapies
Combining Ayurveda’s Prowess With Our Integrated Approach For Kidney Treatment
Happy Patients
Our patients have this to say!
Lakhjinder Singh
I was having Kidney related problems, where I could not sleep correctly and felt nervous most of the time. To get over it, I got myself admitted to ShuddhiHIIMS Chandigarh. After receiving the Hot Water Immersion (HWI) therapy from the expert doctors here, I recovered from the symptoms which were making me anxious. I want to recommend ShuddhiHIIMS for their quality suggestions and for saving me from Kidney Dialysis that modern expert doctors suggested. I will also continue HWI therapy at home to get the symptoms that make me feel weak.
Thanks, ShuddhiHIIMS Derabassi, for helping me get over various kidney problems. Being a middle-class woman, I was suggested for kidney dialysis and transplant by trained doctors. Considering my budget, I got admitted to the ShuddhiHIIMS center in Derabassi for treatment. I had symptoms like swelling on my face and legs, back pain, loss of appetite, and related problems. Now after seven days of treatment, including ayurvedic therapies like HWI, HDT, and more- I can recover in less time. Seeing the practical results of them, I would suggest them!
Anil Kumar Mangal
I am a creatinine patient who often has high BP problems relating to kidney issues. After seeking treatment for creatinine from ShuddhiHIIMS hospital, the creatinine level dropped from 8.6 to 7.1 in just two days. Doctors put me on HWI therapies and suggested to continue at home as this treatment is all about healing yourself. Within seven days of treatment for the symptoms showcasing kidney problems, there was a lot of relaxation for me. I thank my friend who suggested my ShuddhiHIIMS hospital for kidney treatment rather than modern techniques where doctors could charge me heavily. Kudos to the team of ShuddhiHIIMS for helping me heal with kidney-related symptoms!
मैं पिछले 2 वर्षों से किडनी फेलियर से पीड़ित था। मेरी हफ्ते में 2 बार डायलिसिस होती थी तो भी कमजोरी, सूजन की दिक्क्त बढ़ रही थी। मैं अंदर से टूट चुका था। मुझे लगता था कि अब मैं ज्यादा समय तक जीवित नहीं रह सकूँगा। एक दिन मेरे किसी रिश्तेदार ने मुझे HIIMS के बारे में बताया। पहले तो मेरा मन नहीं माना कि यहां संपर्क करूं क्योंकि पहले ही उपचार करवाकर थक चुका था। लेकिन घर वालों ने कहा आखरी बार आजमाने में क्या जाता है। उनका कहना मान कर मैंने HIIMS में संपर्क किया। उन्होंने मुझे Hiims@Home Package के बारे में बताया। मैंने यह पैकेज मंगवाकर Treatment लेना शुरू कर दिया। डॉक्टर फोन करके मेरे से फॉलोअप लेते। दवा के साथ-साथ मैंने परहेज भी किया। मेरी सेहत में कुछ ही दिनों में सुधार आने लगा। मेरी डायलिसिस जो हफ्ते में दो होती थी वो एक हो गई। अब भी मैं यह उपचार ले रहा हूँ। उम्मीद है कि एक डायलिसिस भी बंद हो जाएगी और मैं बिल्कुल ठीक हो जाऊंगा।